The Research Center for Language, Culture, and Human Development in Lower ASEAN has established from the idea of research conduction based on the integration of cooperation, and the combination of interdisciplinary knowledge from expertise researchers in various disciplines of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and collaborative universities. The Researcher Center is the development of mechanisms to drive research-creation and innovation at the graduate level and the faculty level to respond to learning and the challenges in society both nationally and internationally in 3 areas
1) Language: A language is a tool of communication, social interaction, and a significant cost in the pursuit of knowledge, self-development, especially to understand people’s behaviors in society and solve the impact of social change. The effective development of language skills, the creative use of language, and the upgrading of language professional practice based on integrated research are essential.
2) Culture: In terms of culture, modern society development must have a culture as a base. There is a creation of a network of cooperation, cross-border cultural learning, and understanding in cultural diversity management in dimensions of tourism, wisdom, and multiculturalism.
3) Human development: Coping with a rapidly changing society requires human development in cognitive, attitude, and skill. Human development is the development of human beings of all ages, focusing on improving the quality of life, human behavior, and community management to keep up with the changing world.
To drive research in all three areas, the Research Center has a base in the lower ASEAN region due to region has a similar social context as it is a distinctly multicultural society. The lower ASEAN region is an area where has the most Malay group covered in Southern Thailand (Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei Darussalam). This similarity facilitates the networking as supported in the 20-year Research and Innovation Strategy (2017-2036) of the National Research and Innovation Policy Council. The second strategy has mentioned that research and innovation for social and environmental development must connect the country to the global community. In addition, the strategy has also mentioned the focus on research and innovation to know the positive and negative impacts of historical, social, cultural flows and the development of people’s potential to cope with the changes and build a network of cooperation between countries in the ASEAN region. Moreover, the Research Center also has the main objective of developing researchers, which is the main factor in solving problems and developing society to advance based on knowledge and expertise, which has been mentioned in Strategy 4 in the 20-year Research and Innovation Personnel Development strategy plan (2017-2036). Strategy 4 stated about increasing the number of research and innovation personnel at the core level to be a leader in social and community development in driving the country, promoting human development to support the growth of research activities.
For this reason, it is indispensable to establish "The Research Center for Language, Culture, and Human Development in Lower ASEAN" that responds to the researcher development policy to create a body of knowledge, innovation, and disseminate research on language, culture, and human development which will be beneficial to the community and society in the future.