Symposium: 22-24 April, 2024 @ Deevana Plaza Aonang - Krabi, Thailand
(Note: School teacher briefing in Room 2)
Reporting speech (5 min): Associate Professor Dr. Muttanachai Suttipun, Deputy Director of Research and Development Office at Prince of Songkla University
Welcoming speech (5 min): Eran Williams, Regional English Language Officer (RELO), US Embassy, Bangkok
Opening speech (10 min): Dr. Sethapan Krajangwongs, Director of Intellectual Capital Maximization Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation
Photo opportunity and gift-presenting ceremony (10 Min)
Hornbill Grand Ballroom
MCs: Nasree Pitaksuksan and Juang Putra
Symposium spokesperson: Compol Swangboonsatic, NIDA
Transcribing talk: Getting off on the right foot in doing Conversation Analysis
>>>Numa Markee, Emeritus Research Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
MC: Nasree Pitaksuksan and Juang Putra
Room 1 (for CA Novices): Conversation Analysis (CA) for Beginners (In Thai and English)
(Foundations and techniques of conversation analysis with a basic hands-on data analysis session to boost conversation analysis knowledge and skills of participants and language teachers new to CA)
Speaker: Sumitta Supakorn, Thammasat University
This session establishes the foundations of CA for novices and presents CA techniques to explore the English language teaching and learning process in the Thai context. Participants will observe the analysis of turn-taking, sequence, and repair in four L2 classroom contexts (Seedhouse, 2004) using transcribed data from the video recordings of Thai learners’ classroom interactions.
Session chair: Nasree Pitaksuksan, Princess of Naradhiwas University
Room 2: CA-SLA – Historical overview and current trends
Speakers: Numa Markee (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA), Silvia Kunitz (Linköping University, Sweden), & Søren W. Eskildsen (University of Southern Denmark)
Session chair: Patharaon Patharakorn, Chulalongkorn University
Opening Colloquium on the CA-T Project
Enhancing English Conversation Skills of Thai EFL Learners via Conversation Analysis-Informed Teaching (CA-T) Approach
>>> Kemtong Sinwongsuwat, Prince of Songkla University and panel of CA-T teachers, including Abdulloh Waedaoh, Fateemah Baka, Hayas Saniboo, Kornsak Tantiwich, Patson Jaihow, and Prawit Boonmee
The colloquium showcases phase 2 of a study on Thai teachers and students in primary and secondary schools and a university that examined the effectiveness of a refined Conversation Analysis-informed teaching (CA-T) approach in teaching English conversation. It details the CA-T approach, lesson structure, and implementation at different levels, highlighting its effectiveness and seeking ideas for potential improvements.
Developing Conversation Analysis (CA)-Informed Closed Captions to Enhance English Stress and Intonation of Thai EFL Learners
>>> Prawit Boonmee, Burapha University
The presentation demonstrates how CA-informed transcription can enhance closed captions of video materials to help learners recognize English stress and intonation patterns. The process involves processing audio files, analyzing prosodic features, underlining and capitalizing syllables for primary stress and high pitch. This is believed to improve Thai learners' pronunciation of English stress and intonation.
Session chair: David A. Bruner
Discussants: David A. Bruner and Chimi Dema, Gyalpozhing College of Information Technology, Bhutan
Initiating Informing Sequences in English as a Lingua Franca Tours
>>>Yuri Hosoda and David Aline, Japan
Embracing Translanguaging to Foster Critical Thinking in Chinese University EFL Classrooms: A Conversation Analytic Perspective
>>>Miaomiao Zuo, Huizhou University, China
An Analysis of the Contrastive Features of Rule-Based Discourse in a Legal/ Courtroom Institutional Setting
>>>David Allen Bruner and Yaruingam Phungshok Shimray
Session chair: Cherish How, University of Malaya
Pedagogical Applications of Conversation Analysis: From Material Design to the Analysis of Students’ Task-based Interactions
In conversation-analytic terms, interactional competence (IC) is the ability to accomplish recognizable social actions in co-constructed interaction (Pekarek Doehler, 2018). In this presentation I illustrate how Conversation Analysis can be applied to the teaching of L2 IC and to the analysis of students’ L2 interactions, ultimately contributing to research-informed pedagogy.
Speaker: Silvia Kunitz, Associate Professor, Linköping University, Sweden
Session chair: Nasree Pitaksuksan, Princess of Naradhiwas University
Using CA-Informed Transcription Symbols in Conversation Teaching to Improve Thai EFL Learners’ English Stress and Intonation
>>>Natnicha Dankanjanakpan, Prince of Songkla University
The Compilation of the PSU Spoken English Corpus (PSU-SPEC) – a Conversation Analysis-Informed Corpus of Sample English and Thai EFL Learner Conversations
>>>Patson Jaihow, Prince of Songkla University
Session chair: Sumitta Supakorn, Thammasat University
Promoting and Analyzing Spoken Interaction in English Classrooms in Thailand
A general problem for English teachers in Thailand is how to get their students speaking English in the classroom. In this talk, a framework is introduced for teachers to use to get their students speaking English and to analyze and understand what happens in their lessons. Analyzing the lessons enables teachers to understand and reflect on their successful and unsuccessful elements and to make improvements in their own practice. The conclusion is that it is not enough to do 'fun activities' in English speaking lessons; for the best results, we need a framework to plan, deliver, analyze and reflect on our lessons.
Speaker: Paul Seedhouse, Professor, Newcastle University, UK (In-person and Online via Zoom)
Session chair: RC director and Juang Putra to introduce the session and the speaker
Opportunities for student participation in young learner English as a Second Language (ESL) classrooms in Denmark
>>>Søren Eskildsen, Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark
I will use CA to analyze examples of teacher-mediated and student-mediated activities and discuss the extent to which the activities lead to participation on the part of the students. I will then take a closer look at exactly what the students contribute through their participation and discuss evidence for learning. I will end by outlining pedagogical implications.
Session chair: Thapanee Khemanuwong, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
Task-Based Language Teaching & Technology Demo
>>>Numa Markee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
Session chair: Thapanee Khemanuwong, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
Assessing interactional competence through role-plays: A case of designing a data-driven rubric
>>Patharaorn Patharakorn and Karuna Naphon, Chulalongkorn University
Can Conversation Analysis-Informed Lessons Help Improve Thai EFL Learners’ Sequencing Practices?
>>>Kornsak Tantiwich, Prince of Songkla University
Improving Thai EFL Learners' Conversation Skills and Autonomous Learning via Conversation Analysis-(CA) Informed Language-in-talk Log Assignments
>>>Chimi Dema, Gyalpozhing College of Information Technology (Bhutan)
Session chair: Thapanee Khemanuwong, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
FAB as a Resource for Cultivating the Professional Vision of a Language Teacher
>>>Hansun Zhang Waring, Teachers College, Columbia University (USA)
The notion of professional vision (Goodwin, 1994) usefully captures at least one goal of language teacher education – that of developing the ability to notice and reason as a language teaching professional. In this talk, I show how such professional vision may be cultivated through FAB, a CA-based framework.
Session chair: Thapanee Khemanuwong, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
The Pursuit of Responses via Self-Answering in Student-Led Discussion
>>>Adibah Adibah, Indonesia
Constructing Stance through Deployment of Direct Reported Speech in Activities for Second Language Learning
>>>David Aline and Yuri Hosoda, Japan
Decoding Ineffectiveness: An Exploration of Online Classroom Dynamics through Conversation Analysis
>>>Mohammad Azannee Saad, International Islamic University Malaysia
The Analysis of English Conversation on Dating Application based on Conversation Analysis (CA)
>>>Nasree Pitaksuksan, Princess of Naradhiwas University
Session chair: Sumitta Supakorn, Thammasat University
IMDAT: A Conversation Analysis-informed, Technology-Enhanced, and Reflective Teacher Development Framework
>>>Olcay Sert, Professor, Mälardalen University (Sweden)
This talk will illustrate a CA-informed, data-led teacher education framework (i.e., IMDAT, Sert 2015, 2019) that facilitates teacher language awareness and classroom interactional competence. Using classroom interactions and reflective practice of teachers in Sweden and Türkiye as data, I will argue that IMDAT bridges theory and practice in teacher education.
Session chair: Pataraorn Patharakorn, Chulalongkorn University
Potentials of New Technology for Research Purposes
>>>Numa Markee, Emeritus Research Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
Session chair: Pataraorn Patharakorn, Chulalongkorn University
Session chair: Pataraorn Patharakorn, Chulalongkorn University
Host: RC Director; MC: Jirapas Jangjamrus and Juang Putra
Reflection on CA-T Lesson Teaching for Teachers
>>>Teacher Abdulloh Waedaoh and the local CA-T team
Session chair: Nasree Pitaksuksan, Princess of Naradhiwas University
Blending Insights from Conversation Analysis and Diffusion of Innovations Theory: Toward a New Paradigm
>>>Numa Markee, Emeritus Research Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
Session chair: Juang Putra, Prince of Songkla University
>>>Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muttanachai Suttipun, Deputy Director of Research and Development Office at Prince of Songkla University
>>>Asst. Prof. Dr. Kanda Janyam, Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts
>>>Assoc. Prof. Dr. Punya Tepsing, Research Center for Language, Culture, and Human Development in Lower ASEAN, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University
>>>Dr. Sethapan Krajangwongs, Director of Intellectual Capital Maximization Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation
MC: Nasree Pitaksuksan and Juang Putra/Chimi Dema
Room 1: CACTUS meeting
(CARDIT steering committee, Assoc. prof. Dr. Muttanachai Suttipun, and Dr. Sethapan Krajangwongs)
Room 2
CA-T team preparation for post-symposium site visits and intensive CA-T teacher training workshops in Hat Yai
Moderator: Patson Jaihow
Participants: Teachers registered for Post-Symposium Intensive CA-T Teacher Training Workshops, April 26-28