The Means for Relationship Enhancement by Buddhist Monks for Muslim in Community in Three Southern Border Provinces of Thailand

Published: 2023, Aug 24 · 49 read
Punya Tepsing, Kasertchai Laheem, Hasbullah Azizskul

The purpose of this research article study was to investigate the relationship enhancement means by Buddhist monks for Muslims in the three southern border provinces of Thailand. The data were collected from documents and the field through observations and in-depth interviews with the target group consisting of Buddhist monks, Islamic religious leaders, Buddhists and Muslims, and local academics, totaling 23 informants. The data were validated using triangulation, analyzed for validity, and concluded with descriptive analysis. The study found four relationship enhancement means conducted for Muslims as follows. 1) The principles suitable for the context and situation which were understanding, access, and development were used to disseminate the Four Sangahawatthu or the Four Acts of Doing Favors comprising giving, kind words, good behaviors, and treating oneself and others equally. 2) This pertained to giving lectures about Buddha’s teachings that are consistent with Islam to Muslims such as the Five Precepts focusing on universal or general truths that are widely accepted or proven; topics that differentiate religions but do not cause social segregation; topics that remind people that people with different beliefs can come together through social activities; topics that eliminate racial borders; and topics that include disadvantages of dissent and about news and situations. 3) This involved making Buddhist temples public spaces and inviting Muslims to participate in activities. 4) It was about giving support to Muslims’ projects or activities 
