Muslim Women and Health Lifestyle in Deep South of Thailand

Published: 2023, Sep 13 · 159 read
Akkakorn Chaiyapong, Kasetchai Laeheem, Thongphon Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn, Wanchai Chuaboon

The purpose of this study is to express opinions on Muslim women and their daily life and health lifestyle amid the conflicts in the three southern border provinces of Thailand. Data were collected via in-depth interviews among 20 women who had lost their family members through violence in three southern border provinces of Thailand. In addition, the study utilized a focus group to discuss health lifestyle. Logical context description is employed to analyze content by comparing theoretical concepts with other related studies. The results show that most of the Muslim Women amid the conflicts in the three southern border provinces of Thailand feel insecure in their lives, property, and the deaths of the family leaders impacted by their personal life and work, difficulty in traveling due to unsafe public transportation, health adjustment and less time for family. At the risk of injury or death, they do not dare to work outside the area or engage in religious prayer at the mosque. In addition, a healthy Muslim woman must be a leader to motivate people to a healthy lifestyle. both physical, mental, social, spiritual and environmental health.
